
Our parents decided to take us this autumn to know the Pyrenees and in particular the Oscense Pyrenees.

Autumn is almost the best time of year to visit the Pyrenees, the mix of colors is spectacular and with a bit of luck, the weather is good, not too cold or hot.


Using the wide range of rural tourism, of which you will see some examples in this blog, you can stay without spending a lot of money, in a nice town from which to make excursions to the different valleys or National Parks.

I have tried, through the blog, to at least discover you Huesca and everything it  can offer you. From what to see in the city, to its part of the Pyrenees, some accommodation options and then tell you about my personal experience.

Try to immerse yourself in everything you see and make the most of the time, because I’m sure that when you leave, all the memories will gather in your head and you will only think about enjoying Huesca and its nature again.